🇬🇱 QGreenland &
🌨️ CryoCloud

An open GIS collaboration for education and research

In this presentation…

  • A problem in our community: Technical training is hard!
  • (Part of) the solution: Teaching on a JupyterHub to reduce distractions, improve accessibility, and enhance learning. A QGreenland workshop collaboration success story.
  • How you can do it to: Check out CryoCloud!

Matt Fisher1,2 - Software Developer

Twila Moon1,2 - Researcher

Alyse Thurber2 - Education and Outreach

Tasha Snow3 - Researcher

Trey Stafford1,2 - Software Developer

1: National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), University of Colorado Boulder

2: Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado Boulder

3: Colorado School of Mines

What is QGreenland?

  • All-in-one, open-source, Greenland-focused GIS environment for offline and online use with QGIS
  • Curated interdisciplinary data package for research, learning, decision-making, and collaboration.


A problem in our community

Technical training is hard!

🖥️ Variance in user systems

  • Hardware, operating system, and user comfort level
  • User configuration
    • Installed programming languages & versions
    • Dependency managers & installed dependency locations

☝️ Takes time away from teaching, planning, and learning.

❤️ Accessibility

Hardware, (some) operating systems, and time are expensive.

Accessibility is our responsibility!

QGreenland workshop

QGreenland workshop objectives

📡 Run a virtual workshop

🧪 Follow FAIR open science principles

  • Findable
  • Accessible
  • Interoperable
  • Reusable

🦄 Minimize or eliminate distractions from system variance

QGreenland workshop outcomes

👩‍🔬 25 learners from all career stages 🇩🇪 🇵🇱 🇮🇳 🇫🇷 🇨🇦 🇺🇸

💸 Reduced costs by >$4000 by collaborating with CryoCloud

🌲 Produced sustainable, re-usable materials

🪐 Shared lessons learned in Jupyter Blog post

How we worked around system variance

CryoCloud logo 2i2c Logo

CryoCloud JupyterHub to the rescue!

🪐 JupyterHub?

📝 Jupyter Notebook: Interactive computing file format.

🖥️ JupyterLab: A comprehensive browser-based environment for using Jupyter Notebooks, and more.

JupyterHub: JupyterLabs managed in the cloud, on demand.

☁️ Desktop GIS in the cloud

QGIS logo

🫵 You can do this too!

💸 Cost is still high, so…

🤝 Collaboration with an existing community was key!

🙇 Thank you

QGreenland Logo CryoCloud logo NSIDC logo NSF logo NASA logo

Also at AGU:

  • U24B-03: CryoCloud JupyterHub for NASA Cryosphere communities: Open science in the cloud as a process, not a product
  • SH51A-04: NASA Openscapes approaches and stories of kinder, open science in the Cloud
  • SH51A-06: Accelerating scientific discovery for NASA Cryosphere communities with the CryoCloud JupyterHub






Join CryoCloud and chat with us on GitHub Discussions!

🎉 Bonus slides

👎 Distractions

👎 Distractions contribute to learners’ cognitive load and reduce learning effectiveness.

👎 Distractions consume teaching time.

👎 Distractions consume planning time.

🤝 A mutually-beneficial collaboration

💸 Reduced costs by collaborating!

👎 2-4 weeks + ~$4500 to set up

👍 2-3 days to setup + ~$75 cloud costs

Contributed new functionality to the CryoCloud hub

👐 Open-source desktop GIS in the cloud!

🎉 11 Pull Requests merged; 9 issues opened

📈 Supported CryoCloud community growth & evaluation of impact

👐 Our workshop learners joined the CryoCloud community!

💡 Inspired other institutions to replicate our advancements

🪐 Jupyter Blog post