
May 20, 2024


Trey Stafford, Matt Fisher, Julia Collins, Ann Windnagel, Andy Barrett, Robyn Marowitz


  • Liked the documentation (R Markdown) integrated with code base

  • It’s rare to have a “forced reproducibility” opportunity for study.

  • Data science tools “require a substantial investment to learn” how to get buy- in for things that take time to learn

  • “Learning together and supporting each other peer-to-peer can be more fun and rewarding”

  • Treat “future selves as collaborators”

  • At end of paper: “critical for the broader science community to build a culture where openness and reproducibility are valued, formally taught and practiced, where we all agree that they are worth the investment”

    • How do?
  • Engagement as an evolution instead of a revolution +1

    • Incremental changes to workflow while retaining annual deliverables
  • I liked the term “Janitor Work”. I often feel like I am cleaning up after people when dealing with data.

  • “These tools quickly became the keystone of how we work, and have overhauled our approach to science, perhaps as much as e-mail did in decades prior. They have changed the way we think about science and about what is possible.”

  • Andy: The OHI team faced a very common problem, but did an uncommon behavior: they sought a solution! These people are open to finding new ways of doing things and willing to put in the work. +1

    • Building a community means you don’t have to do the change yourself. You can do the thing you’re good at and let others do the thing they’re good at!
  • Nice to see this progress, but a reminder of frustration with some folks that don’t take this mindset.

  • Trey: How much of this was championed by a few experts? Incremental change is a valuable foothold for broader changes, exposes value that can’t be seen otherwise.

    • Onus to push small changes is on us
  • Andy: “Checkbox open science”

    • Matt: +1!! Open science is downstream of values. Open science is Inclusivity
    • +1!
    • Checkboxes can prevent folks from being open in principle
  • Julia: “What happens when you train your employees and they leave?”

    • Worse: “What happens when you don’t train your employees and they stay?”
    • +1000
  • Trey: Foster a strong support network [within NSIDC]

  • Matt: “Inreach”

  • Matt: We should have a holistic workforce development program, a good first increment is Git/GitHub skills tailored to our service groups

    • Andy: Can we explore CIRES funding for this.
    • Julia: May be easier to justify/fund outside trainer rather than in-house. Also need to justify time of trainees.