Feedback from Trey and Alyse on slides draft 1


November 27, 2023


Crossed-out items are either resolved or moved elsewhere.



20 slides is too many! Need to cut things.

A lot of the slides could go on for 10 minutes themselves. Re-use them as optional slides for Q&A.

Cut before recording. There’s too much to cut post-recording; it would be janky!

Have to be really high level, short story. We’re going to have to cut out meaty things. “Hooks” to pull people in.

Tell a shorter story


  • Our goal/problem
  • How did we achieve the goals?
  • What are the takeaways without going in to the details of any particular area. Tease people to go to the blog post.
  • End with the blog post.
  • My email if you have questions. QGreenland email? GitHub Discussions QR code


  • 1 slide: goal/problem
  • 1 slide: solution/approach
  • 1 slide: meat of the solution
  • 1 slide: outcomes, why you should do it
  • 1 slide: how you can do it

Sometimes at AGU first slide is a preview of the whole presentation.

  • Thesis: How to make an online computing environment for a workshop that’s globally accessible
  • Why am I speaking? Share what we learned.



Keep intro short. Introduce self, not rest of team.

“What is QGreenland” in 5 seconds. PICTURE!! and QR code. Emphasize responsibility to educate. Introduce this before or after setting up the problem? Whatever feels more natural.


Make it really obvious from the start that people are in the right place and presentation is what they expected.

Video demo


There is a recording of the QGreenland workshop, will make it available on OneDrive or something. reach out if urgent! Maybe re-usable footage!

Stills to use on slides!



AGU will leave last slide up during Q&A. Put:

  • Contact information
  • QR code to AGU presentation site “references” page (with dedicated section for “after the presentation”) containing links code for:
    • Jupyter Blog
    • CryoCloud
    • QGreenland researcher workshop site
    • QGreenland educator workshop site
  • After creating the new “Coming from AGU?” page with all these links, send that to Alyse!!


Link to blog post on “Outcomes” slide

Also link outcomes page on workshop website


Define literate programming in speaker notes

Mutually-beneficial arrangement: QR code for jupyter blog post

“desktop GIS in the cloud”: I’ll talk about this more in a couple slides