Feedback from twila

  • (Part of?) the solution -> (Part of) the solution

  • On intro slide, add “, University of Colorado Boulder” to both CIRES and NSIDC footnotes

  • Do note that Trey and I were going in to the workshop with little/no experience running workshops, especially 3-day ones, and this enabled us to focus more on the important parts of that.

  • Workshop title slide: Remove?

    • Matt: I kept it for organizational purposes, but removed all text and the speaker note clarifies that the slide is only structural to divide sections of the talk.
  • Workshop objectives:

    • “Run a virtual workshop”
    • “Open source”
    • “Try to achieve F, A, I, R” list them out
    • “Minimize/eliminate distractions…”
  • Can list out “FAIR” principles and put a star next to the ones we think we excelled in.

  • Consider incremental on objectives/outcomes slides

  • Participants received a small stipend (FAIR):

    • “25 learners from all career stages”
    • “Small stipend to support participation” (mention equity, accessibility in script)
  • “>~$4000” “>$4000”

  • Show the animation of what we did. Start on the AGU website to prove that we’re in a browser.

  • Cost slide: Mention in script QGIS and QGreenland being readily available as a benefit. Briefly mention other side benefits like bringing new users to hub. When I say “eager for collaborators”. How can that be a bullet on the slide?

  • “Other resources to find computing communities”, just say “look at the 2i2c hub listing, or seek out other interactive computing communities that run JupyterHubs”

  • Remove “Suggest operating a hub?” TODO.

  • Switch to institutional email address.


  • Underline some phrases or add a symbol for taking a pause

  • Know the script well enough to focus on how you’re saying things instead of remembering what to say.

  • Add phrases that should be emphasized, use exclamation point or punctuation, emphasis, etc. to remind that.


In Zoom: Settings, local or cloud

If cloud, in “your recordings”, you can choose what kinds of things are recorded. When you’re cloud recording, you can get separate recordings for the screen share and camera. Can also get separate audio file recording to cloud.

“Single recording” which feels like a zoom meeting with picture in corner, can be saved on local computer.